January 13 – May 11, 2024
opening reception, January 20, 1 – 3 pm, remarks at 1:30 pm
Image credit: Pat Hertzberg
About Sybil
Ninety-four year old Sybil Rampen is a cornerstone in the Canadian fibre art world, ensuring there is recognition of contemporary fibre art in this country. A humble, yet talented artist in her own right, Sybil has encouraged and inspired emerging artists with her generous spirit and her experimental approach to artmaking. She has built a thriving art centre, The Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre, on the beautiful nature-filled grounds of her ancestral home in Oakville, Ontario. Sybil’s vision, determination, generosity, experimentation and dedication to fibre art, combined with her exceptionally positive outlook provides the recipe for Sybil’s full and successful life.
Connections Fibre Artists feel fortunate to have known, and worked with Sybil. Sybil is an exhibition of contemporary fibre art focussing on Sybil Rampen’s life. Participating artists have chosen some aspect of Sybil they admire, are grateful for, are inspired by, or identify with in some way.
About Connections Fibre Artists
Connections Fibre Artists (CFA) are a nationally recognized group of accomplished Canadian fibre artists. The group, formed in 1999, includes members who are published authors and artists, who show both nationally and internationally, facilitate courses and workshops, have won major awards and are regarded as pioneers in the fibre art field. CFA members are juried into the group by invitation. This exhibition includes work by all twenty-four members
For more information, see the CONNECTIONS FIBRE ARTISTS website: www.connectionsfibreartists.com
Open Heart, Sheila Thompson. Mixed media, 3″x12″x10″, 2023
Play!, Elizabeth Duggan Litch. Mixed media, 18″x18″, 2023