
Reflections of Ourselves is a collaborative art project which celebrates the rich diversity of Canadians. Conceived as a genealogical maple tree, the installation explores the question “Who are we?” Dual lenses of cultural heritage and material culture are expressed through textile traditions and contemporary techniques. Leaves created by Indigenous, settler and immigrant Canadians in honour of their cultural heritage hang from the branches. The tree is a metaphor that places humans in the context of the earth’s natural environment. It is a representation of our human community where differences in human culture are like the variations of individual leaves on a tree.
In our upcoming exhibit, “Summer on the Lake” we’ll be displaying a selection of artefacts from our collection that symbolize some of Orillia’s most famous features, the lakes. From fishing at the Narrows to rowing races, from waterskiing to swimming to dancing at the Pav, Orillians have been enjoying their time at the lake for hundreds of years. We’re going to celebrate those favourite summertime experiences in our exhibit, coming this summer.
ABOUT THIS EXHIBIT: MESSAGE FROM THE OSA CHAIR Breath. Heart. Spirit. is the theme of the Ontario Society of Artists 2022 anniversary year as we celebrate 150 years of artistic […]
In this exhibition, OMAH and our local history community attempt to tell a complete history of Orillia through 50 artefacts from the museum collection. Each object represents an event, person […]