October 14, 2023 – January 13, 2024
Reception: October 14, 2023 | 1-3pm

Image credits (left to right):
- Artist and 2022 Paul Quarrington Multidisciplinary Arts Award recipient, Peter Fyfe with his submission, ABM Art Bank of Muskoka – Landscape Viewing Unit. Found wooden cabinet, 33 acrylic paintings, video (2m38s), 61″x25″x15″, 2021
- Artist and 2022 Jurors’ Choice Recipient, Tammy McLennan with her submission, Temporary Landscape, Interactive Installation. Canvas photo prints, vinyl, hemp, burlap, wood, 69”x67”x4.5”, 2022.
- Day 198 Etobicoke Creek by Jessica Lin, photograph, 36”x36” which was part of 2022’s exhibition.
- In Between by Destanne Norris, oil on canvas, 48”x36” which was part of 2022’s exhibition and now part of OMAH’s permanent collection.
Tradition Transformed
Deadline: Friday, August 11, 2023 Jury Results: The second week of September
Our vast and varied landscape is as unique and diverse as the Canadians who inhabit it. The beauty of our landscape can be a source of national pride, but our land is also going through many challenges such as climate change, land claims, and loss of natural habitats. Tradition Transformed asks the question, what does the Canadian landscape mean to you.
This annual juried exhibition was created in recognition of landscape artist and Group of Seven member, Franklin Carmichael, who was born in Orillia. Now in its 22nd year, this juried exhibition calls on artists from across the country to submit work that reimagines the Canadian landscape through the artist’s chosen medium, including but not limited to drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and media arts.
Entry fee: There is an application fee of $35 (plus HST) per submission. Artists can submit up to 3 times with one image for each entry.
Juror’s Prize
Kevin J. Batchelor Emerging Artist
Submission inquiries can be sent to Tanya Cunnington, Arts Programming Coordinator by EMAIL.
Nancy Bennett
Michael Black
Tommy Bourque
Kate Carder
Jennifer Clark
Jody Clement
David Cumming
Grace Dam
Destanne Dee Norris
Julie Desmarais
Steph Dunn
Mike Efford
Tanya Fenkell
Corin Ford Forrester
Peter E Fyfe
Erin Fyfe Donnelly
Curt Gaudon
Phyllis Gordon
John Graham
Anita Granger
Libby Hague
Pat Hertzberg
David Holden
Karla Houser
Xuefei (Fei) Ji
Gita Karklins
Suzanne Leclair
Jessica Lin
Michael Madden
Tammy McClennan
Sandy Middleton
Carole Milon
Melissa Neil
Duane Nickerson
Taimi Poldmaa
Patti Randazzo Beckett
Kelly Rendek
Ava Roth
Lori Ryerson
Mike Salisbury
Juliana Scherzer
Barbara Schmidt
Karin Silverstone
Kelly Stevenson
Svetlana Swinimer
George Szabo
Ethel Voronkova
Elayne Windsor
Leszek Wyczolkowski
Teodora Zamfirescu