Ted Emond: Thank You for Your Service to OMAH
After several years of dedication to the City of Orillia as both Mayor and City Councillor, Ted Emond has decided to retire from politics to spend time with his wife and family.
Ted has played a critical role at the Orillia Museum of Art & History, acting as OMAH’s City of Orillia Council representative since 2015, and sitting on OMAH’s Human Resources Committee.
Ted Emond, Dave Beckett and Mayor Steve, 2017
During his tenure, Ted helped OMAH navigate critical periods in its growth and development. He received accolades from Ted Duncan, OMAH Board Past President and Ninette Gyorody, OMAH Executive Director who worked with Ted over those eight years:
Ted Duncan, OMAH Board Past President:
“Ted Emond has been the City of Orillia representative on the OMAH Board of Directors for longer than I have been involved in OMAH. I started in 2016. His knowledge, his experience, his love of both the art and history of Orillia has sustained our ‘Museum’ through some hard times when we were not sure if we were going to survive. His leadership and wise counsel saw us through to allow OMAH to prosper and develop into the best little museum in Simcoe County. Ted Emond believed in The Orillia Museum of Art & History and our success is because he did. Thank You Ted! Enjoy your retirement from politics but stay close to OMAH!”
Ted with his team at the 2015 Jenkins Bayne Croquet Tournament
Ninette Gyorody, OMAH Executive Director:
“It has been my pleasure to work with Ted Emond over the past eight years. As OMAH’s designated council representative for two terms, Ted provided exceptional counsel and advice throughout the years and was our greatest cheerleader at council when it came to our annual budget request presentation.
Ted also supported OMAH by attending events and supporting our sustaining operations through our monthly donation program.
It cannot be underestimated how invaluable his support has been as we worked throughout the years in improving the delivery of our programs to meet the needs of our community.
Thank you for being such a good friend and supporter of OMAH.”
Ted Speaking at OMAH’s 20th anniversary event in 2019
Ted Emond attended his final meeting of the OMAH Board of Directors on Wednesday, October 26, concluding eight years as the City of Orillia City council’s representative.
On behalf of the Board, President Stephen Davids presented Ted with a framed print by artist Charles Pachter, with words of gratitude for his contributions to OMAH.
Thank you, Ted, OMAH is better because of you.
With Thanks to:
- Ted Duncan
- Ninette Gyorody
- City of Orillia WEBSITE
- Orillia Matters – May 2, 2022 10:43 AM (Ted Emond announces he won’t seek re-election this fall)